[21] It used to be an NBC facility. McNamara and other proponents also pointed out that this made other above-ground strategic command and control nodes extremely vulnerable, as well. Two entrances to the underground bunker complex are visible along the upper left portion of the snaking road.. One of the EC-135J aircraft, now on display at the Pima Air and Space Museum in Arizona.. A portion of the 1963 pitch for the DUCC from the Office of the Secretary of Defense.. A map showing the locations of, left to right, the Pentagon, the State Department's headquarters, and the White House. [6], Some bases are in such remote locations that they do not need guards present. Josh Begley, a data artist, decided to set himself the task of mapping all known U.S. military bases around the world, and collect satellite pictures of them using Google and Bing Maps. Official govt docs expose Michelle Obamas 14 year history as a man., "Woody Harrelsons 60 seconds in the middle of his monologue was cut out of the edits released after the show., BREAKING Trump preps Marines to stop presidential coup.. . & the so. A 1975 study of the evolution of U.S. strategic command, control, and early warning capabilities that the Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA) think tank had conducted for the Department of Defense, said it made "no attempt to track the origins and development of the idea." PLUS: China Swears It Isnt Building a Time Machine. Location: Cheyenne Mountain Complex Air Force Station, Colo.: Background: This iconic underground base has been inspiring science fiction writers and awing engineers since 1966. "We anticipate the armored brigade combat team already deployed to Europe will conduct gunnery and other combined training events with Allies as part of a modified Allied Spirit exercise," the Army said in its statement. It's like an underground submarine . The site has more than 100 magazines for weapon storage, located underground in domed mounds. [3], The Rock of Gibraltar is tunneled out like Swiss cheese because of its strategic location. so you're going through two different types of security. They've done that and created several submarine bases. Military Bunkers Being Taken Down, Children Being Liberated April 4, 2020 by Steve Beckow Apparently the takedown of the New World Order has begun and one Deep Underground Military Bunker (DUMB) after another is being taken over by the Alliance. "Studies indicate that the fixed facilities of this complex [the NMCS] and their communications could be eliminated with reasonably high probability by a small number (6-10) of 10 megaton weapons, resulting in only the aircraft and the ships surviving," according to a draft memorandum from McNamara's office meant for then-President John F. Kennedy on Nov. 7, 1963. Theyre all insulated and triple-heat-taped.. The Soviet Union had tested its first hydrogen bomb in 1953, years earlier than U.S. intelligence agencies had expected and raising concerns about the vulnerability of existing alternate command and control centers. Statewide Military Zones Map. On the southern tip of Gibraltar is the Buffadero Training Center, which includes two live firing ranges, an obstacle course, and a mock village that mimics warfare in an urban environment. . Its also used as a refueling station and emergency runway. The project was inspired by Trevor Paglen's book 'Blank Spots on the Map' which goes inside the world of secret military bases that are sometimes censored on maps. The goal of the Invisible Headlights program was to discover how to transform the ambient thermal light present in all environments into . . How Its Unique: Pine Gaps collection of eight or so radomes and its remote location have sparked many UFO-related rumors, both in Australia and abroad. Before the end of 1965, Johnson finally shot the entire project down, according to Spurgeon Keeny, Jr, who served as the President's Science Adviser under Dwight Eisenhower, as well as Kennedy and Johnson. Video shows President Joe Biden recalling an alien encounter. It really didn't become a real pressing matter to have deep, underground military bases until the nuclear age, and until the age of having not only nuclear weapons but delivery systems that were sort of like bunker busters, that could deliver nuclear weapons deep under the rock strata before detonating. In the late 1980s, the E-6A Hermes, later renamed the E-6A Mercury, also took over the TACAMO role from the Navy's previous EC-130-based platforms. Under President Lyndon Johnson, McNamara, with support from National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy and the State Department, continued to plan for the bunker complex as part of planning for the Fiscal Year 1965 budget. But they have . 727-821-9494. stated on January 26, 2021 in a viral video: "In March 2020 the United States deployed 30,000 troops to Europe to free child-trafficked children and arrest deep state cabal members. How Its Unique: Dugways massiveness allows it to be the premier site for testing defense systems against chemical and biological weapons, as well as military-grade smoke bombs. Dive Deeper: How We'll Stop Chemical Attacks. some of these trumpet noises people are hearing on a wider scale in the skies are actually an energetic shock wave coming from the Sun, the sound is coming from energy coming from the Sun interacting with our upper atmosphere.. 20006, Florida there are some that are only for specific types of projects, because it's so compartmentalized, they'll make a whole underground base just for one project. They enter in below and come up within. How Its Unique: Apart from the massive amounts of coral, missiles make up another major portion of this Pacific atoll. The NMCS wasn't limited to hardened underground facilities, either. The crack instantly spreads across both sides of the tube, and all of the dirt comes rushing in. . And then a lot of times, they would just drill really deep holes, put in charges of high plastiques, things that detonate at well over 32,000 feet per second, that just turn the rock to dust, no matter how hard it is, and then they excavate it. Whatever the actual source of the DUCC plan was, it is clear that the driving factor was the increasing capabilities of Soviet nuclear weapons, especially with regards to their yields. There's an underground war being waged against the Greys who are kidnapping vast numbers of humans for unknown purposes and Leon's in the thick of it. Read more It goes to Europe. Helendale, Lockhead Underground Facility, 3444.7 N 1170 18.5 W. Technology for secret projects. Padded dentist seats with seatbelts, which are unnecessary. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com See omnystudio.c Show Stuff They Don't Want You To Know, Ep CLASSIC: Deep Underground Military Bases - Nov 17, 2020 The plan was to construct "a 'superhard' command post easily accessible to the NCA [National Command Authority] and designed for minimum dislocation or interruption of official routines," according to an official U.S. military historical review of command and control architecture from 1960 to 1977. 2019 documentary. So first you have to get on the military base, number one. [6], The subterranean highway in America is like a freeway except it's underground. It's worth noting that the most powerful nuclear weapon ever built, the Soviet Union's Tsar Bomba, of which it only ever built one, had a yield of 50 megatons. You will be able to read all about these ships in an upcoming War Zone feature. In the 1990s, the Mercury fleet was upgraded into the E-6B configuration and supplanted the Air Force's EC-135 Looking Glass aircraft, as well. DUSC had run into its own cost problems, with estimates growing from $100 million to $200 million just under $844 million to close to $1.7 billion in 2020 dollars and the estimated date for when SAC could begin using the facility got pushed back from 1965 to 1969. While it appears to be surrounded by mountains, it is actually a hologram that conceals a massive base built deep inside the mountain.[1], According to Emery Smith, there are about 300 underground bases in North America alone. Chiseled into mountains, the base includes buildings, bombproof areas within the earth, and docks aplenty. A stand-alone prequel book is planned for later in 2020, likely in summer. There is another style of transit for freight and for passengers that is for rapid travel. How Its Unique: Fewer than 10 miles from Salisbury is the wildly famous architectural site Stonehenge. Popular Mechanics participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. There are zero long term studies on the effects the drugs and surgeries will have on them.. In response to his question as to what this was, he was told it stood for Deep Underground Command and Control Site, a facility that would be located several thousand feet underground, between the White House and the Pentagon, designed to survive a ground burst of a 20-megaton bomb and sustain the president and key advisers for several months until it would be safe to exit through tunnels emerging many miles outside Washington," wrote in an article in the October 2006 edition of the Arms Control Association's Arms Control Today magazine. How Its Unique: The Chinese have taken a resort island and turned underwater tunnels into an entrance to an underground naval base. Under the streets of Gibraltar is an extensive 35-mile-long tunnel system carved through limestone. However, it's clear that senior U.S. officials, such as McNamara, feared that this weapon, which the Soviets tested in 1961, was a prelude to the widespread use of such high-yield designs. Some of them use geothermal power, and some of them use hydrodynamics, and some of them use classified power systems. . , updated . At one point, workers at the site used a Linear Projectile Mortar Disassembly machinea six-axis, remote-controlled robotto extract the explosives from mortars filled with chemical agents. The immediate benefit of the bases size is that it provides plenty of space in case an aircraft (or spacecraft) gets a bit out of control, but Schulz also points out that it helps cut down on noise pollution for nearby civilian populations. So they had to keep up with the weapons systems that were being developed. Located nearly a half mile under a granite mountain, the labyrinthine facility is run by Air Force Space Command. Experts had judged this to be the necessary depth to survive multiple hits from nuclear weapons in the 100 to 200 megaton range bursting on the surface or from weapons with yields up to 100 megatons capable of penetrating between 70 and 100 feet down into the ground first. The main function of Pine Gap is to monitor any missile activity in the region and relay intelligence to U.S. and Australian forces. How Its Unique: HAARP has been the centerpiece of countless conspiracy theories, ranging from rumors that it will be used for mind control to claims that it can manipulate the weather of individual countries. The Law of One. 33. Wisdom Teachings: Episode 146. "The DUCC proposal was controversial and raised many questions, including the technical-engineering feasibility and costs, the elements of the NMCS that it might displace, and the command authorities who might be included in it (the JCS [Joint Chiefs of Staff] were among those scheduled to be included if it ever came to pass)," according to IDA's 1975 study. It has also sparked renewed interest in the hardened, underground facilities where those personnel would work, such as the U.S. military's "underground Pentagon" at Raven Rock, which you can read about more in this past War Zone feature. Brad Schulz, former vice president of federal architecture at HNTB, tells Popular Mechanics what makes these active military facilities so fascinating. Researchers at the facility use a powerful high-frequency transmitter and an array of 180 antennas to temporarily disrupt the ionosphere in hopes of yielding potential communications and surveillance benefits. Background: What started as Camp Detrick in the 1940s quickly turned into a long-standing home for the U.S. military. Diego Garcia's remoteness, though, allows it to be a key hub for tracking satellites, and it is one of five monitoring stations for GPS. He's about to learn that not all D.U.M.B.s are under the ground: some are under the sea. You usually have to walk through many different posts. The use of an abandoned mine shaft in the plan has since evoked references to the "mineshaft gap" scene from the famous Cold War dark comedy Dr. Strangelove, which came out in 1964. The Message for Humankind. Cosmic Disclosure. Every ship leaving the Northwest region gets supplied by the island that has the ability to service everything from U.S. Coast Guard patrol boats to submarines to aircraft carriers. Nonetheless, some casinos apparently have elevators that will take you down to sub-shuttles for quick trips to Nellis, Area 51 and elsewhere. Dive Deeper: What We Know About the White House's Secret Bunker. And Where Are They Headed Next? There were proposals to use anti-ballistic missile systems to help guard existing command and control infrastructure. It is a government research installation used in bacteriological warfare. SAC had also explored the DUSC concept in 1962, the year after it began building the Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station bunker complex under the mountain of the same name, which you can read about in more detail in this past War Zone story. How Its Unique: One-of-a-kind bases like Cheyenne pose countless construction challenges and need to satisfy seemingly impossible requirements, like being able to withstand multi-megaton attacks. One tunnel connects to a port of docked submarines, which are in turn piloted to a living energetic crystal cavern. Two types of trams. Schulz points out there are certain military installations, like Pine Gap or HAARP, that can only operate effectively in certain geographical areas. Less than two weeks after the Office of the Secretary of Defense completed its final draft of the plan to send to the White House, Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated President Kennedy during a visit to Dallas, Texas. There are a number of other hardened facilities available to support continuity of government operations, as well, spread out on the East Coast of the United States. Deep Underground Military Bases - Secret Military Bases 1 Brain Organoids Are Alive, But Are They Conscious? Read More Here: France Is Furious with Australia Over a Broken Submarine Deal. The jaw-dropping revelations. Protection of government and military command and control centers, when it was mentioned at all, was put forward as a distinctly secondary and presumably not decisive mission.". Gaia. . There are underground bases and facilities all over the place in cities all around us. All four of these aircraft remain in service today. A mere six years later, at the same site, Chuck Yeager busted through the sound barrier in a Bell X-1, marking the first time an aircraft had traveled faster than the speed of sound. The Transamerican Underground Subshuttle System (T.A.U.S.S.) IDA had also found consistencies in the design parameters between the DUCC and a U.S. Air Force Strategic Air Command (SAC) proposal for a Deep Underground Support Center (DUSC). How Its Unique: Edwards legacy of speed is due, in part, to the fact that it's built adjacent to Rogers Dry Lake, a large salt flat that can be used as a natural extension to a runway. Background: Once a ballistic missile radar home in the 1970s, the outdated system is still in use, while the airstrip serves as an active emergency landing zone. Aside from sitting under a mountain of granite, an extremely hard rock, the base is protected by 25-ton blast doors, and some rooms sit on massive beds of springs to better absorb a blast. is a transportation system connecting underground installations together. [1]. Other complex portals are found on military bases. The problem with this design is that the earths crust goes through various shifts, and one earthquake is enough to disrupt the glass. New Mexico and Arizona have the largest amounts of entrances followed by California, Montana, Idaho, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Kansas, Arkansas and Missouri. . ", Email interview with NATO official, Jan. 29, 2021, Euronews, "Trump sending 20,000 troops to train with Europeans on Russian border," accessed Jan. 29, 2021, DEFENDER-EUROPE 20, "About DEFENDER-Europe 20," accessed Jan. 29, 2021, The Hill, "US military cuts back troops to participate in European exercise over virus fears," March 11, 2020, DEFENDER-EUROPE 20, "Exercise DEFENDER-Europe 20 Announcement - COVID-19 Implications," March 17, 2020, Deutsche Welle, "US troops arrive in Germany for 'Defender Europe 20' military maneuvers," Feb. 21, 2020, U.S. Army, "DEFENDER-Europe 20 modified in size and scope," March 16, 2020, EUCOM, "DEFENDER-Europe 20 Begins With 1st Combat Power Arrival," Feb. 20, 2020, EUCOM, "Exercise Defender-Europe 20 Update," March 11, 2020, U.S. Army Europe and Africa, "Exercise Defender-Europe 20 UPDATE," March 16, 2020, PolitiFact, "What is QAnon, the baseless conspiracy spilling into US politics?" The Space Force handles the operation of many of the nuclear missile silos. Background: Within two months of the attack on Pearl Harbor, President Franklin D. Roosevelt set aside the first 127,000 acres of Dugway Proving Ground in Utahs Great Salt Lake Desert. High in the mountains north of Jammu and Kashmir, both India and Pakistan have disputed the site, although the Indian Army has a base and controlling interest of two of the main mountain passes. and underground, underwater submarine base.[2]. There is no evidence the troops deployed to Europe were excavating secret military bases, freeing children or arresting members of the deep state., Social media users are circulating claims that thousands of U.S. troops were deployed to Europe in March to rescue children and arrest members of the "deep state.". Washington, DC The 1963 memorandum does not say where exactly the DUCC would be located, but, plans from McNamara's office showed it was to have been buried under the Potomac River, which lies roughly halfway between the Pentagon and the White House, according to Raven Rock: The U.S. Government's Secret Plan To Save Itself While The Rest Of Us Die. All Rights Reserved. Over the years, the institute has made significant contributions to the development of vaccines, diagnostics and treatments that have both military and civilian applications. Background: In operation since 1917, the facility saw rapid growth around World War II. How Its Unique: Along with the Norway-versus-Russia backstory that started the site, which has flipped to Russia now operating ships and planes within Norway, the location itself offers quite a site. Heres Why. Photo of electric charging station powered by diesel generator is emblematic of the electric vehicle movement. 33701 WalMart looms large in the American landscape not just as the operator of a ubiquitous chain of retail discount stores that encompasses over 4,500 outlets across the U.S., or as the economic. In 2009, the Australian Department of Defence announced plans to upgrade antiquated equipment at the facility, indicating that Pine Gap has a long future ahead of it. This is why they have put so many resources into building these more advanced bases, like the one I'm talking about in Brazil that I've heard referenced as a Zazi base and a few other terms. They look like luxury malls or hotels in Dubai. Up Next: How Do Solar Panels Work? "Throughout the years prior to 1968, the option of seeking to protect national authorities and the NMCS by means of an active ABM defense system remained a hypothetical possibility," according to IDA's 1975 study. The vast majority of what is known about the U.S. military's strategic command and control infrastructure remains largely unchanged in its basic principles from how it operated in the 1960s. promote openness and transparency at all levels of government, Site R is proud to open up its top. Beyond that, "order-of-magnitude estimates of 5,000-10,000 psi [pounds per square inch of pressure] hardening against 100-megaton weapons, for example, were based on theoretical calculations and were received in some quarters as speculations," IDA's researchers noted. George Air Force Base, CA - saucer base. I guess the original type of nuclear explosions to blast out cavities that would vitrify a lot of the rock . However, the House Armed Services Committee refused to fund the Pentagon's entire DUCC request for that fiscal cycle, according to the book Raven Rock. The elevators would have discreet entrances, allowing designated individuals to make a break for the bunker undetected, straight from their offices. The Wright-Patterson Air Force Base outside of Dayton, Ohio, has been reverse-engineering aircraft for much of its 103-year history, especially during the Cold War. ", The Justice Department has been calling parents that are concerned about what their kids are being taught, they are labeling them terrorists., Sen. Marco Rubio signed a 2021 letter that supports waivers that would reduce visual track inspections., "It's President Biden who is proposing to cut Medicare Advantage.". In early 2020, DARPA announced it was forming the Invisible Headlights research program that could lay the foundation for autonomous vehicles with 3D vision that would be able to see without being seen "at night, underground, in the Arctic, and in fog.". PLUS: The Army Found a Way to Keep Your Hands Warm Without Gloves. "Forces already deployed to Europe for other linked exercises will return to the United States.". Why Russian Hybrid Warfare Failed in Ukraine, Russian Cargo Plane Explodes During Pressure Test, Three Nifty Hacks to Make Drilling Easier, Memes Could Save Us From Superintelligent Machines, The Best Routers To Flood Your Home With Wi-Fi, Joint Defence Space Research Facility Pine Gap, U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, Anniston Chemical Agent Disposal Facility, This Boeing 777 Made of Manila Folders Is Almost as Detailed as the Real Thing, Building a Giant Mechanical Exoskeleton, One Six-Foot Leg at a Time, The World's Largest, Smallest, and Strangest Model Trains. Insider Revelations of ET Autopsies, Crash Retrievals, Time Travel., DARK JOURNALIST: SECRET WORLD OF UFOS & UNDERGROUND BASES! Also home to the FEMA National Radio System, the Blue Ridge Mountains site was not widely known until a plane crash in 1974 near the site brought the publics attention to its location when reporters were not allowed near it. The U.S. had been scheduled to send 20,000 troops to Europe at the start of 2020 in preparation for a multinational strategic exercise with European allies. DR. RICHARD SAUDER, Corey Goode - Secret Space Programs & Break Away Civilizations, Jeff Rense & William Tompkins - Underground Tunnels & New UFO Physics.. How Its Unique: Site Rs mission is to facilitate the Continuity of Operations Plan, a blueprint for how the government would reposition itself if a major catastrophe strikes. Mustard-gas-filled munitions cant just be chucked in the garbage, buried or dumped in a lake, so the facility is equipped with high-tech robotics that disassemble weapons and powerful incinerators that help destroy certain waste materials. From end to end, Diego Garcia is 34 miles long, but its total area is only 11 square miles. The design would be scalable, with an initial "austere size" of 10,000 square feet capable of supporting 50 individuals and the ability to expand that to "moderate" dimensions of 100,000 square feet to accommodate 300 personnel. Of all the state's Florida and North Dakota have the least amount of entrances. The cost of the full 300-person bunker complex was pegged at $310 million, or around $2.6 billion in 2020 dollars. While a 2004 ceasefire has been honored, soldiers on the worlds highest battleground still fight altitude sickness, deadly temperatures and bone-crushing avalanches. And then once you do that, there's another even more secure base on there with the fences and their own security teams. Extremely low-frequency communications arrays, which you can read about in more detail in this past War Zone piece, which are themselves largely buried underground, might have provided a more hardened option, and remain in service in the United States and elsewhere for this very reason. The exercise was a "U.S.-led multinational exercise, including NATO's participation," according to NATOs official website.
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