Sincerely, Lincoln Loud.". In this Loud House Alternate universe a man made virus force's mankind to abandon earth.all except one 11 year old Lincoln Loud was accidentally abandoned by. Luna: >to Leni< You know what, you're right Leni, I still love Lincoln as my bro, and I never did want to say I never want to speak to him again. Lincoln nodded and wiped the tears from his face. Simon: >angered, to Lincoln< No, you are the worst and most despicable creature on the planet. Sam: You too, I told you it would take at least thirty minutes for us to get here! "I think we better see if he's OK," said Rita, "Lynn?". "Lynn: "Score! Luna: >to Lincoln< Which one do you like best Bro? Lincoln: >to Simon< Good luck trying to get Lynn to help you, she's tough. "I don't think I have enough wood to get us back home," said Chuggie. >to Luna< And that includes are relationship as well. "I'll never see his precious white hair ever again," cried Leni. Votes 1,245. Lynn Sr. called the other girls in and they gathered around as Lynn unfolded the paper. Luna: I think we should give it a try to get them to do something a bit different than videogames. I give credit to Smile.Huezera for story asisstance. A. Simon: Wow, I knew that starting our meeting over in a more calming situation would fix up their relationship. [Lori Loud X Male *WARNING MATURE. ", "If only I was a better sister," cried Lori, "and he wouldn't even be having these kind of problems!". Luna: Say, after Fro-Yo, would you like to hit the video arcade? Lincoln: I've been a fan of Ace Savvy since I was about Six years old, that's when I started to watch "The Adventures of Ace Savvy and One-Eyed Jack: The animated series", then I got involved into reading comics. Lincoln peeked out and saw that Zeke had reached his destination. Lana: The Cookies and Muffins should be done at any moment now. It was a song that she heard her parents play in the car one day when they all went to the mall. (Luna then pays the cashier with Ms. Carmichael's tab, they both went to the topping session to get their toppings, Lincoln has Oreo crumbles and gummy Dinosaurs while Luna had pieces of Strawberry and Blueberries, they then sat by a table where they can communicate with each other). Simon: I wanted to get Crash Bandicoot 4: It's about Time for Xbox One because I couldn't wait anymore and Sam was pretty much annoyed by me. Simon: I really don't care about Gummy Bears or Worms, Gummy Dinosaurs are pretty much the coolest gummies to date. Sam: >to Simon< Don't ever talk to her if she has a brother you can't get along with. Lincoln got out aSupermancomic he had bought earlier and read it while he ate his pizza. Lincoln: Ugh. (Lincoln and Simon just looked at each other, without saying a word, they turned their heads away from each other, Luna and Sam were worried that it wasn't going to work well, they waited patiently for the Tea, Cookies and Muffins to get done, but in exactly thirty more minutes, the snacks were ready). Lincoln was reading an Ace Savvy comic when Lori burst into the room. # lincoln # loud # loudhouse 2: New Sibling!! Clyde: How long have you been an Ace Savvy fan? Why did Mom and Dad have to have a little phone-wrecker like you? Simon: >sarcastically, to Lincoln< Oh, so you respect my opinion on farming in general, but you don't respect my opinion on other things I like and you don't? Lincoln whispered everything in Lana's ear. That's about it. "Well," thought Lori, "at least he didn't turn down the cake. Clyde: Okay then, I thought maybe we could try giving you two boys some therapy like how Dr. Lopez has taught me about respecting opinions, it may not be easy, but I do have some ways to get you two to communicate with each other, I do have a talking stick >shows them a stick< if I hand one of you the talking stick, you are only allowed to talk, understand? Liam: Tarnation, now this is even more cheesier than the time Lynn tried to get me into Baseball, but it was fun while it lasted. "Oh no," said Lincoln, "not a flat tire!". The one who was most upset was Leni, who was crying hysterically into a pillow with Luna trying to comfort her and trying to hold back her own tears. Lola: Here are the tea's that I made, I hope you enjoy them. 54 Favourites. ", "Geez," said Lincoln, "calm down. Simon: >angered, to Lincoln< Same as our show when our show is running completely downhill. 0 hours, 17 minutes 17m. Lori held up her phone, which had a big crack on the screen. "Hey," said Lincoln, "this isn't Piperville! (Simon notices Lincoln's chocolate vanilla swirl and it's covered with Oreo crumbs and Dinosaur gummies). It also had a card that read "I'm sorry for what I did!" (Both Sam and Luna looked at each other and then smiled at each other). Clyde: >to Lincoln and Simon< And how do you feel about it verbally? Bobby even told Lori that he wanted to date her again. Luna: >interrupts Lincoln< Don't bring this up anymore bro, I don't want to talk about it okay? Reads. "Is everything OK here," asked another voice. And how its about a boy have 10 sisters? ", "And James," said Rita, "we're sorry for all the yelling.". "I just didn't know they actuallymissme," sobbed Lincoln. Lincoln: Wow, I didn't know you liked gummy Dinosaurs. ", "Say all you want," said Lori, "but that won't stop me from doing this!". ", "But what wedidfind," said Fred, one of Steve's best friends, "is bike tire tracks leading to the railyard, which led us to the logical conclusion of Lincoln getting on a train heading out of state. Lincoln: While I do enjoy the Ace Savvy cartoon most of the time, one of the greater cartoons I enjoy was "Scooby Doo Where are you!". "Please don't ever do that gain," said Rita. Luna: >to Lincoln and Simon< Now shake hands! (Sam facepalms again as Simon was being sarcastic). "And just where do you thinkyou'regoing," asked James. My eyes were hungrily gawking his while he kept pounding me on his thigh A new sibling (Loud house reader fan fic). "No problem," said Lisa, "of course, I had some help. Sam: >to Simon< You can't say "I have a better opinion than him", you can't have a better opinion than anyone else's, that really hurts ones feelings. You better apologize. >confused< Wait, does Lori know that? Lincoln was reading an Ace Savvy comic when Lori burst into the room. Screenshot. "Lynn Sr. (Dad): "Kids, Sit down. Luna: >to Simon and Lincoln< See boys, now was that so hard to try to respect each others opinion? Simon: Playstation is boring, I don't see anything special about it, it's a stupid console with poor graphics and clunky controls. I think red and white matches be best. (Sam and Luna just gasped, as well as Liam and the other farm animals, as well as Ellie Mae and Virginia). ", "Mom," said Lincoln, "I know you're concerned, but I really don't wanna talk about it right now. He managed to, but with a twist. Lori then got a sheet of paper and a pen and proceeded to write a letter, then, after finding out Butch and Mark's address, wrote it down on the envelope and added "(P.S. Lincoln stirs awake from his bout of unconsciousness to the full realization that he was back at the hospital. Lincoln: Listen Simon, I want to say I'm sorry for disrespecting your opinions and about calling you off because of what you said about me. Lincoln: Apparently I'm the only boy in the family, I have exactly ten sisters, currently Lori my eldest sister is in college. Clyde: Okay Lincoln, you're up first, Who is your favorite Super hero? We'll explain everything. Sam: >in thought< Oh no, you've got to be kidding me! Leni: Just because you are mad at Lincoln doesn't mean you should hate him for like ever, even Lori knows that! Loud Lost Memory View source My twenty-first fanfic. ", "Awesome," said Lincoln, "but, does that include this new sports complex that opened up last Friday? ", "Tell you what," said James, "let's pray together.". Lincoln's actions result in the sisters (except Lily) collectively turning on him and giving him a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown that results in him getting hospitalized and developing a crippling fear of his sisters. Lori went inside and sat down on the bed next to Lincoln. Luna: Sounds good to me, I had a rough day. "Mom, Dad," Lynn shouted as she grabbed the paper and bounded down the stairs. I am getting A but hungry. (Ephesians 4:32). And you're right, it's just a phone. Simon: Yeah, she can climb walls, shoot venom with her tail and can also sting like a Scorpion. I don't want you going to bed upset.". "I can't believe they miss me," cried Lincoln. "There, there, sis," said Bobby, "it's OK.". "OK, Linc," said Lynn, "sleepy-time's over. "You mean that Christian singer girl James likes," asked Lincoln. "Hey eldest sister," said Lisa, "I have some fantastic news for you.". ", "Get the rest of your family downstairs," said Butch, "I have some excellent news!". by werewolf259226 4.1K 114 7 21 year old Lincoln is the only one that's in Royal Woods, Michigan with his friend Clyde but his family was around the world living big and not see how lincoln was doin. How's that sound?". Sam: Yeah, you two know better than to force each other to change one's opinion. Lana: Hops, what are you doing here? Luna: I'm pretty sure you guys might like comic books, Lincoln is a fan of Ace Savvy. >to Simon< And as for you bro, you need to stop acting like you know better then him. ", "Yeah," said Lincoln, "she gets upset over the dumbest things! Lincoln: I'll take the chocolate vanilla swirl. "Let me guess," said Lincoln, "you're sorry for what you did? Simon: >annoyed< What do you mean "never heard of her"? Lincoln: Nothing is quite more fun than watching a cartoon that you and you're family loved so much. View source. Simon: But our opinions matter too you know. Our Brother is a Delinquent By: NoSoul01. Lori held up her phone, which had a big crack on the screen. Simon: Sorry Lincoln but Ace Savvy is a good Superhero, but I wouldn't say he's the greatest superhero ever, that honor belongs to my favorite superhero >shows comic< "Scorpion", she's one of the greatest super heroines out there. He then leaves the house and slowly starts heading over to his, thinking about what to do. ", "OK," said Lana, "I'll leave you alone then.". !" Luna: I got a favor to ask you, I hope it's not too much but, I've invited Sam to come over and she's bringing her brother Simon over. But, enough about that, please come home! Time. I used to love that cartoon, but he's dead now. Luna: And I thought you still hate me afterwards. Luna: >to Sam< It feels great to be back together again after a crisis. Oh wait! (They all shared a hug, until from a distance, Leni was clapping very slowly while smiling). Fro-Yo cashier: Welcome to "Fro-Yo n' go", what would you like to order? Simon: >points at Lincoln< I want him to admit he's wrong! ticket, or she gives Lincoln a Rip Hardcore backpack for Christmas even though he gave it to Chandler, then Luna snaps back into reality and realized that she had no right to be mad at Lincoln for the rest of her life). Of course he has Clyde, but he's not with him 24/7. Simon: >annoyed< But the Xbox controller is very unique, plus it has better graphics and a better loading times than Playstation. loudhouse casagrandes A young man bring the Louds, the Casagradnes, their pets, their family, and friends into a dimension where they watch the Loud House (as well as The Casagrandes) so they can learn from their mistakes and learn more about each other. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Lincoln: >angered, to Simon< Well you shouldn't have been so harsh on me with your opinions by saying "Oh my opinion is better than your lame opinions", because you are the most despicable creature on the planet, even worse than Chandler and Lynn combined. on it. Not wanting to disturb her brother, she quietly got in bed with him, hugged his sleeping body and kissed him on the cheek. Luna: >interrupts Lincoln< You don't have to apologize, I already forgive you, I had no right to be mad at you and I don't want to stay mad at you, you are my little brother and I love you very much. "Lincoln's POV:Luke what A familiar name. "Lola," said Lynn Sr. in a calm tone, "I know you're angry at Lori, but don't throw your shoe at her. Butch explained everything that happened. ", "Good point," said Rita, "but still, we're very grateful you've gone out of your way to do this, James.". ", "And here's the best part," said Lori, "I'm gonna letyou pick what we should do! Helluva Loud Adventures. Of course, she didn't know it was just pillows stuffed under the blanket and she thought it was Lincoln. "A skilled target." (March 02, San Francisco.) Lincoln: Lincoln Loud, funny enough I was named after one of the presidents of the United States. Lori is playing when Lincoln is wearing the squirell costume. Sam: >to Lincoln and Simon< What did we just say? ", "Well, at least not by yourself," said Lynn Sr., "next time you go running away like that, take us with you, huh? Luna: Sorry you had to hear that, Lisa does this all the time, I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen. "It's good to hear you're OK, son," said Rita, "you really had us worried! ", "How can it be fixed," asked Lori, "the screen is cracked right down the middle! Simon: >to Lincoln< Sorry not sorry Lincoln, if you'll excuse me, I think we should watch Spon--. "Typical," said Lisa, "he always sleeps in on Saturdays like a lot of kids do. However, this replacement is reasonable. Ronnie Anne: Oh sure, and according to the schedule, I have the same classes as you. Maybe you could find something to watch together for a change. Once that was finished, he proceeded to watchThe Love Boat with Rita. "My baby," Rita shouted at the top of her lungs before breaking down. "Lincoln," she yelled. "Your jokes are better than Luan's," said Lincoln as he put his bike in the trunk of Butch's car and got in. What do you mean us?!?! Luna: But now it looks like we are seeing them getting along just fine. ", "And Lori," said Luna, "sorry for what we did. ", "No way, Lori," said Lynn, "we'restill not hanging out with you.". "Please dude," said Luna, "you'vegottahelp us find him!". (Lincoln and Simon shook hands at each other, they both let go of their hands). Loud in a surprised tone, "what's going on? Published: Jun 22, 2018. (Lola kicks Simon and Lincoln out of their room, Luna and Sam walked out as well). Fanfiction - No Such Luck Extention. Here is my 21st fanfiction that has been on delay several times, I hope you enjoy it. Guess we have to share Luke, hope it doesn't go chaotic like most of our plans do. "Almost," said Lincoln, "I just need to pee first.". Lincoln Loud was labeled as bad luck by his sisters and was locked out of his house. "I'M SO MAD I CAN'T EVEN CRACK A JOKE," yelled Luan. And uha word of warning: This MIGHT be a LITTLE sad, but hey, if other people do stories like this, why not let me join the fun? "I'm not, Mom," said Lincoln, "I'm a mistake! Parts 12. "Then are you somehow related to the Mr. Jones who runs the fix-it shop just across the street from the grocery store," asked Lincoln. Simon: >to Sam< ButI enjoyed Luna's company. That's a good console. It's his favorite kind too! This is a lost episode of The Loud House, which is titled as "Enough Is Enough". (The boys continued to argue, Sam and Luna looked at each other with concern, they both grab their respected brothers away from each other, Luna turns the TV off). Simon: Oh cool, I love Arcade games, much better than those mobile games on phone these days. Simon: >yawns, interrupts Lincoln< Boring. Thankfully, Lincoln had remembered to bring a bike tire repair kit. Lincoln: >annoyed< Well excuse us for trying to be better than that certain talking yellow sponge in clothes. He then wrote a note and stuffed some pillows under his blanket for a decoy. She is still the greatest super heroine out there, better than stupid Ace Savvy. Simon: You could teahc me a few trick can't you? The elder sister looks back on how it happened Sam: Consider you boys lucky that Liam's Memaw isn't here to give you boys a spanking, as I will give both of you a spanking. Lincoln's POV:The first thing asked was "What do you like, Luke?" Just then, they heard the mail slot open and close, meaning that got mail. and you're all invited! Simon: That's because I have a better opinion than him, he knows nothing. The Blast A cool breeze blew through the open windows into the classroom, sending a refreshing sensation through the warm afternoon air. As a side note, this fanfic was authored by MrTyeDye, a prominent Loud House fanfiction writer who also wrote Peeking Through the Fourth Wall, but he has confirmed that the two fanfics don't take place in the same universe, so you don't need to reimagine Lana when reading Peeking. Lincoln: >to Simon< YOUR OPINION IS NOT BETTER THAN MINE! "I found this in Lincoln's room," said Lynn as she held up the paper. "It's alright," said James, "I didn't even hear anything. Just then, James and his friends walked in the house. Then, Ronnie Anne started crying and was immediately hugged by Bobby. ", "No way, sis," said Luna, "why would we wanna hang out with someone like you? Sam: Maybe TV isn't such a good idea after all. +4 more. (Fiona who was working on hanging up jeans answered to Leni). Fanfic #4. Lincoln: >to Luna< I think we should do it tomorrow? Simon: Chocolate is not even that good you know, besides, I think any food with fruit or nuts taste better than chocolate. A minute of awkward silence was soon followed by a familiar voice. Not even Leni. This is my new and improved Fanfiction of the Loud House when Lincoln wish that he had a brother or maybe an imaginary friend. Lincoln: "I can't believe we have another brother! Because we are closer you know. Leni: I'm so sorry to hear that, you didn't deserve that, and neither does Lincoln. "Lucy: "Anything else?? Lincoln moved Bun-Bun's head in a nodding motion. He sees all of his sisters standing somewhere in the living room. Lola: >to Lincoln< Here you go Lincoln, a seat for you. He hasn't lost anybody's trust, but someone has lost his and they did it in one of the worst ways possible and worst of all, he blames himself for it. Sam: >to Lincoln and Simon< Consider this you're first strike, two more and we will never come back here again. 1,245 1.2K. Luna: You don't have to, but if you want to, just let me know. A simple argument between Lori and Lincoln for a very stupid reason (explanation in story) goes a little too far and results in Lincoln running away. Simon: >to Lincoln< It's not that I hate it, in general, I don't have a thing against chocolate, I'm allergic to it. ", "I think you should try calling them," said Albert, "wouldn't hurt to,". Lincoln: >to Simon< Is there any reason why you don't like chocolate? Leni: >to Lincoln< Because you deserve it, and I love you very much, I really hate it when any of my siblings are mad at each other. ", "But how," asked Lori, "I bet he won't wanna talk to me either, not even if I contacted Butch and Mark somehow. Rita: "Kids, meet your long lost brother, Luke!! Lincoln walked outside, climbed a big oak tree in the front yard, sat down on a branch, and began to cry. "Luke: "Uhh, I like comedy. Leni Loud walked through the house singing to herself. "And I also contacted some friends of mine to help find Lincoln," said Jamed as they finished, "I told them to contact me when they do. ", "Alright," said Lincoln, "I love you, Lori.". (Lincoln then turns on the TV and he tunes into the Cartoon channel to find some classic cartoons, the only cartoon that was on was "Scooby Doo Where Are you! Get over here! Lincoln: I know we hadn't had a good day yester---. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Sam: It's okay, I'm going to pick up my brother Simon from his gaming session in a few minutes. Guess he likes more than one thing.Luke: "Hmmm, I also enjoy music. "Now I know how Lincoln felt when we kicked him out of his own room," said Lori. (It then cuts back to The Loud House as Leni was coming back home humming to her own theme song, she then hears crying and walks up the stairs, she only hears Luna who was crying on her own bed, she knocks on the door), (She opens the door to see what was wrong with Luna), Leni: Is it a fashion emergency? "For the last time," said Lincoln, "it was an accident! ", "Not that big of a deal," repeated Lori, "not that big of a deal?! #lincoln ", "BEATING YOUR BROTHER UP OVER A 25-CENT PIECE IS ONE THING," yelled Lynn Sr., "BUT CALLING HIM A MISTAKE?! (Hops starts popping up from the tea cup scaring Simon). He can always heat it up later.". Lincoln: One time, I had a nightmare that I had all ten brothers, and then I realized that having brothers is not as fun as having sisters. loudhouse # 11 The Fastest Man Alive - A Loud Hou. Fiona: >sarcastically, to Leni< I don't know and I don't care! Simon: Scooby Doo? Luna: Why don't you watch some TV? (It then cuts to Liam's farm where Liam is teaching Lincoln and Simon about working together and respecting opinions). . "Would you like to explain this," asked Lori. Luna: Dang it, it didn't work, Lincoln is getting triggered. "You don't sound OK," said Lana, "are you sure you're OK? Lincoln: You know how my sisters are when it comes to their opinions. Uh-uh! "I'm sorry, Mrs. (Lana followed the cookbook to baking cookies and muffins, with Hops' help, they added as much ingredients as instructed, then Lola comes back with a set of teas for them to taste). (Sam was adored by this and left a small tear on her eye by his comment). (The boys then grabbed their snacks and tasted them, they drank the tea sets, and ate the Cookies and Muffins, but not all at the same time, Luna and Sam were waiting for the results). Luna: Look guys, you just recently met, I don't want the both of you to start arguing with each other. Then Lynn broke down, soon followed by the twins, Lucy, Lisa, Lily, and eventually, Luan herself. "Boy, when I get my hands on her, I'm gonna give her a piece of my mind," Steve growled. Posted on February 27, 2023 by laguardia airport food terminal c Lincoln: Oh trust me, I've done a lot of girly things in my time, like playing tea parties, dress-up, watching "The Dream Boat" Simon: >exclaims in disgust< That's what happens when you hang out with girls, they try to change you. ", "In the meantime," said Lynn Sr., "your mother and I have agreed to reduce your grounding just for until tomorrow morning because of how you baked this cake. "Loud Family," said Butch, "We have a certain someone here with us.". Talisman Brother. Clyde: I agree, that was a good show, >passes stick to Simon< now it's your turn, favorite super hero and why? Just then, James' friend Steve came in the house, holding Lana. (Lincoln and Simon both shook their heads). "What do you want," asked Lincoln. Lincoln: >to Simon< Then it's settled, by the next weekend, I'll come over to your house if you get permission from your parents. My overall favorites are soccer and basketball. Lincoln: Yes, You have to collect all of the gems to get the secret ending and the costumes, and it's not in forwards it's also on N. verted as well. "Don't you guys think we're being a little too hard on Lori," asked Lynn. (Both Luna and Lincoln agree that they will have to venture to the mall tomorrow due to how much of a bad they they are having due to Lincoln and Simon's argument and Luna and Sam's breakup, Lincoln went to his room and played on his Gameboy to play Pokmon Red, Luna continues to sob in her bed as she and Sam aren't talking to each other anymore, they eventually went to bed and settled down for a night's nap, then the next day at the Royal Woods Mall to go tot he Fro-Yo place to get from Fro-Yo which is on Ms. Carmichael's tab, they walked up to the counter and looked at the menu). - Lincoln said (They look at a photo of him and Leni bathing in the bathtub) LENI: Aw, you look so cute as a baby! "Me too," said Lisa, "I've heard it's going to be thunderstorming in this area soon.". Lola: THAT'S IT, IF YOU BOYS CAN'T GET ALONG, YOU'RE OUT! Lincoln begins to speak to the audience watching, breaking the fourth wall of course. "Hallelujah," cheered Rita, "Lincoln's alive!".
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