The couple had a relationship in a past life that was beneficial but also had some issues. The Saturn person feels they cannot rely on the Uranus person, and the Uranus person feels they cannot be themselves around the Saturn person. You take responsibilities to one another seriously, which is conducive to any successful long-term relationship. The Sun conjunct Saturn synastry aspect is a karmic placement. . This is simply the energy of the relationship. In the trine aspect, this is a relationship that wont be too challenging for them to maintain or build. Mars Conjunct Trine Sextile Mars "This physical chemistry is on fire." Mars is your raw animal passion, so when it's having a good conversation with your partner's Mars, the sexual compatibility can be off the charts. Sometimes this communication can come off as too easy and may even lead to both of them taking the other person for granted, which is why its important that they make an effort to communicate their needs in a healthy way over time. Saturn rules tradition, so couples with this synastry aspect sometimes face opposition from either persons family. Check the houses and house rulership of Saturn and Uranus in their charts. If both people work to overcome communication challenges, the Sun Trine Saturn Synastry can be a very successful and rewarding love connection. This relationship is bound to be spontaneous, but the ability to truly count on one another is tarnished with this aspect. Click here to read Jupiter-Uranus Aspects in Synastry. Her Saturn square your Eros could put a damper on your erotic urges (when she's around). While this aspect indicates mutual generosity and trust, you may tend to overindulge the other. Check the houses and house rulership of Saturn and Pluto in their charts. The top 4 most "OFTEN" aspected planets in our Female File were: Neptune, Sun, Jupiter and Saturn. Juno indicates marriage, Saturn is about commitment - you get the picture. The square occurred as the most "SELDOM" aspect in our Male Natal Chart File. Someone with Saturn square my Saturn would make me more self-conscious, and may talk over me and interrupt me often. I've noticed that this synastry shows up in many long-term relationships. Sometimes, the blockages come from external forces. Theyll make an excellent parent or mentor for them, always wanting the best life possible for themselves and their partners. It loves to put us in the spotlight. Words are not necessary - your bodies, your chemistry speaks for itself. Its hard to get what the other is saying with this aspect. However they choose to approach their intimate life, they will find a mutual attraction and all the satisfaction and peace they need in each others arms. The Sun sign is associated with your identity, appearance, ego, vitality, and overall energy levels, so its important to keep this in mind when trying to understand someone else or even yourself in a relationship. Uranus-Uranus Aspects. But embracing them and allowing them to manifest in our life is essential. Sun in harmonious aspect (conjunction, sextile, trine) to another persons Sun. It shows the relationship in practice and the daily reality of the couple. The physical connection between two people with Saturn trine the Sun wont be the most critical aspect of their relationship. I think Chiron is extremely important in any synastry chart because it speaks to the deepest wounds created between two people. As one of the largest astrology portals WWW.ASTRO.COM offers a lot of free features on the subject. Pluto conjunct Sun synastry indicates a powerful and transformative relationship. This aspect is often found in the synastry charts of married couples. With this aspect, a mutual attraction is present. Lilith person would enjoy this affection for sure. The Sun will bring the passion they need in their intimate life, while Saturn brings stability and devotion. The Saturn person may come to dislike all of the fun, happy qualities they first enjoyed in the Sun person. In synastry between two people, Saturn will bring up all of these themes in relation to their relationship together, such as how they communicate, what theyre responsible for, and how committed they are to one another. It feels fated or 'karmic,' with the underlying mood that there's work to do together. It gives us what we deserve. This is usually an issue with all trines, so it can be easily overcome given enough attention and effort. Both people may start to ignore all of the wonderful things they saw in their partner initially because these issues become so heavy. Over time, the Saturn person can confront their feels and discover who they truly are. Although you probably knew each other in a past life, your relationship wasnt necessarily romantic. This aspect definitely produces mutual attraction, but can cause problems in terms of understanding each others values. You easily forgive each other, and are conscious of each others needs. Since A's sun is sextile Juno, B's Juno may aspect A's sun. By. If the Sun person does grow and change, the Saturn partner can start to feel unsafe or insecure. As the Sun trines Venus in synastry, the relationship is blessed with good fortune, happiness, and a strong sense of connectedness. The Sun and Moon. In astrology, this aspect usually represents a positive connection between the planet of discipline and structure (Saturn) and the planet of identity and personal power (the Sun). Saturn conjunct / opposite Moon aspect in a relationship feels serious and powerful right from the beginning. It promotes love and happiness in the relationship. They are completely opposite energies in some ways, so when combined in synastry, it produces a tense energy between the couple. However, these relationships give you an opportunity to work out karma between the both of you. They may feel like the Saturn partner criticizes them too much and never sees them as the person they want to be. Sun conjunct, sextile, or trine the other persons Venus. On the positive side, this relationship is particular was my longest. Planet Saturn is called the God of justice or the karmic planet in our chart. . My first ex boyfriend and I had strong Saturn aspects in our synastry chart. The Sun sextile Saturn synastry enhances stability, patience, and endurance in a relationship. You experience emotions you never even knew you had as a result of this relationship. It is important that you are clear with one another about what you expect out of the relationship. As the Saturn person, I felt both insecure and committed to each of them. Two celestial bodies are in conjunction when they are very close to each other, often in the same sign but never more than 8 degrees apart. Both planets can overcome any obstacle in their relationship as long as they're together. Both the Sun and Saturn placements have important life lessons for these individuals to learn together. This is a tricky aspect. In this case, the Sun and Saturn will be in the Trine aspect to one another, which means that theyll have many similar personality traits and values together, as well as generally be on the same page with life goals. More than our identity, the Sun focuses on our present situations. The house placement of each persons Saturn (and its house rulership) will tell you where your partner reaffirms your Saturnian qualities. Sun in soft aspect (trine, sextile, semi-sextile) with Saturn in Synastry Chart. In addition, the Sun quincunx Saturn is a difficult synastry because it . You are also going to be the most organised and strategic when it comes to thinking about the future and staking out the course of the relationship. The Venus person may feel the Sun person doesnt appreciate her efforts to please him, and the Sun person may find the Venus person superficial. You energize one another, and respect each others individuality. If they have a healthy relationship based on trust, they will not mind exploring new sexual horizons together. This is an intriguing aspect. The sign that your sun is in will give you insight into how others see you, as well as show what type of energy and personality traits youre most closely associated with throughout life. Anything that is happening in this relationship is long-term, there is nothing that is light or short for that matter, these two are set to last, but of course, no one has said that the relationship is going to be an easy one. However, the Moon person may find the Sun person insensitive and overbearing, while the Sun person may find the Moon person overly dependent and overly sensitive. I recently came out of a relationship that had a Moon-Saturn opposition double-whammy. Mercury conjunct Ketu: Mercury is the sibling.The person was a brother or sister. In this case, Uranus feels their individuality and uniqueness are not appreciated by the Saturn person, while the Saturn person feels the Uranus person is very unreliable and unpredictable. At the same time, Saturn brings commitment, too. Another way in which this manifested was through a withdrawal of affection. Even if the Saturn person and the Sun person might express their emotions differently, the validity of their emotions is always intact. Then we can understand the world we live in through our truth. An isolated synastry reading, on its own, can be deceiving. . Having such optimistic outlook on life and being a generally good person with being generous and supportive of others, some people though will feel like these aspect owners are even too generous. The relationship most likely started quickly, full of excitement and mutual attraction. It ensures we stay on the right path throughout life. This is an aspect often found in the synastry charts of sexless marriages. They feel mutually supported and appreciated in this relationship. This is a very helpful aspect in synastry. The Uranus person is likely to feel trapped by the Sun person when the relationship gets too routine and stable. Its important to learn from each other with the Sun conjunct Saturn synastry aspect and to always dig deeper. In this case, Saturns practical and realistic nature gels well with Uranus uniqueness and individuality. Trust me- I tried. With this aspect, there comes a tendency to criticize each others viewpoints. This is a positive aspect to find in a synastry chart. Just by being themselves, they will shine light on the Saturn persons issues and give them the space to work through their karma. Saturn is the karmic parent that gives us a sense of security. If possible, try to have a sextile or trine between these two. Saturn aspects are certainly binding, but come with many problems. There is more to this universe than what we can see & touch. When these two planets align in a trine, it can create a unique blend of creativity and practicality. This makes it important for you to be aware of the areas where your Saturn is in synastry with another person so that you can have a healthy, balanced relationship over time. This aspect indicates the two of you desire to build a lasting relationship together, full of commitment and dedication. The two of you do not feel blocked by each other, but you become more cautious as a result of this relationship (particularly on the part of the Mars person). This, in turn, discouraged them greatly, but I felt I was doing them a favor. Bring out your creativity and artistic side with fun activities such as painting or drawing together. However, over time, the Uranus person is likely to feel stifled or trapped by the Sun person, and the Sun person is likely to find the Uranus person unpredictable and unstable. In the trine aspect, the Sun person will recognize and acknowledge the other individuals strengths. The Sun person tends to be more romantic and exuberant, while the Saturn person is reserved and speaks through their action. If you have the Sun opposite Saturn synastry aspect in your chart, you tend to feel very attracted to each other in the beginning of the relationship for karmic reasons. Juno/Psyche: soulmate. In this case, the Uranus person might feel stifled and repressed by pessimistic and cynical Saturn, while Saturn feels Uranus is unstable, unreliable and impractical. This is often known as the unrequited love aspect. The suns energy can help us live a successful life. A strong attraction to each other is present, especially on the part of the Sun person. Sparks usually fly when they meet, and they might experience a shared animalistic urge to tear each other's clothes off. The Saturn trine Sun synastry aspect is a celestial alignment that occurs when Saturn and the Sun are approximately 120 degrees apart. With the Sun square Saturn synastry aspect, the Saturn person tends or judge and criticize the Sun partner. This could spell big trouble for the relationship, and may even prevent them from getting together in the first place. Juno/Jupiter. The Sun conjunct Pluto synastry aspect will challenge them with personal growth that has a powerful impact on the relationship the couple share. The trine is a sign of ease in this relationship, with the only turbulence being a lack of communication within their union if things start getting too comfortable. The Sun person may also be too immature to change the dynamics or to truly take responsibility for themselves. . The Sun and the Moon synastry is the most important indicator of the partners' psychological and emotional compatibility. The person was a your lover in a past life. You do not make a big fuss about it and do not seek the limelight. But at the end of the day, they will both know that they can trust each other and have an intense emotional bond that keeps them together through difficult times. You desire to make each other happy, and this will last throughout your relationship. Banned. Both of them need to accept the others opinion even if they dont always agree on all matters in life. These two are supportive partners in a Sun-Saturn relationship. You are compelled to find out every detail about each others lives, and this desire often leads to unhealthy obsession and possessiveness. Mercury synastry aspects are undervalued in astrology, in my opinion. On the other hand, the sextile and trine aspects work quite well. When one person's Sun is aligned with the other's Saturn, there's often a sense of weight to the relationship. The Sun is the only celestial body that can reason with Saturn and even win if the correct view is on its side. Say Saturn rules your 7th house, and your partners Neptune makes a square aspect to your Saturn. In this relationship, the two work together instead of getting in each others way. By double-whammy, I mean his Moon opposed my Saturn and his Saturn opposed my Moon. The Sun creates the home Saturn needs to express its energy and a safe place for the relationship to grow. Incidentally, he had Saturn transiting his 7 th house when we were together. Hard aspects (conjunction, square, opposition) from one persons Mercury to another persons Saturn indicates a deep respect for each others thinking processes and communication. Such values are suitable for a long term loving relationship or for a business partnership. The Sun and Moon are the most important planets in our chart, so this aspect is extremely powerful and binding. . You may have met each other suddenly, and fallen for each other instantly, but maintaining this level of excitement may be the key to making this relationship work. Two people with a Saturn trine Sun synastry aspect share previous lives, making them even more committed to each other subconsciously. The Sun person finds the Uranus person exciting and unique, yet at the same time unstable and non-committal. The Mars persons energy is the sort that makes the Saturn person very uncomfortable. Theyll keep each other safe and will work hard to achieve their goals, which can lead them both toward success in life together in a steady and balanced fashion. It can bring us blessings or make us lose things or people, depending on our karma. Like a moth to a flame, the Sun person is drawn to the Pluto person. This article will show what each of these two celestial bodies means for a relationship, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. Ever hear the phrase, opposites attract? This aspect also indicates a healthy competitiveness between the two of you. Fighting the energy of Saturn or ignoring it will only bring us face to face with our fears and past mistakes again until we fix them. Most Saturn placements in a synastry chart represent past life karma. The Moon person may find the Sun person overly rational, dictatorial, and selfish, while the Sun person may find the Moon person overly sensitive and emotional. With the prosperous aspect in the chart, the chart assures the couple that this relationship is bountiful and auspicious. My most recent ex had his Sun in Aquarius square my Saturn in Scorpio. The Sun person may feel sensitive to Mercurys criticism, and Mercury may find the Sun person defensive. Negative Aspects of Sun Quincunx Saturn Synastry. those who didnt have Saturn in my 11th house). Mars conjunct Moon is a highly sexual aspect in synastry. The Venus person instinctively knows how to love the Sun person. If your Suns are square, it means they share the same modality (i.e. The key karmic lesson for both is to work towards consistent and mutual understanding. They may feel that the Saturn person is always trying to teach or parent them and that their light is being snuffed out. Another issue that may emerge from this relationship is if the Sun person tries to control their Saturn partner. Let me tell you. This aspect wont have too many weaknesses, but theres a potential for communication challenges if things grow stagnant over time, as they might not know how to express their needs properly without practice. There is an overall feeling of acceptance and understanding between them. At the same time, the Sun is not too proud to acknowledge the impressive qualities of Saturn and the wisdom it brings to the relationship. These people can be very popular and can indulge in life a lot, but this aspect can . The sextile and trine are much easier to handle. Synastry reveals how two peoples planets interact with one another to create a specific relationship. On the other hand, the Saturn person can be very stubborn, which will not make disagreements any easier. Indeed, being around the Venus person gives the Sun person an ego boost! Copyright 2019 - 2022 YourHigherJourney Part Of SoftwareBox Solutions Ltd. Reg No: 12205095, Strengths Of The Sun Trine Saturn Synastry, Weaknesses Of The Sun Trine Saturn Synastry, Advice For Sun Trine Saturn Synastry Couples, 11 Reasons Why a Taurus Man Keeps Coming Back, How to Know if a Virgo Man is Pushing You Away, Sun Square Moon Synastry The Union of Opposite Personalities, Leo Ascendant - Bright, Glowing, and Radiant Charmers, Jupiter Trine Ascendant: An Opportunity To Shine Brightly, Aries Sun Leo Moon: Confident, Imaginative, and Self-Assured, Aquarius Sun Cancer Moon: Adventure-Seeking Homebodies, Pisces Sun Cancer Moon: A Deeply Divine Combination, Libra Sun Gemini Moon: Building Connections and Being Charming, Gemini Sun Sagittarius Moon: The Rebel, The Fool, The Inspired, Angel Number 6161: A Sign of Compassion for Self & Others, Angel Number 8003: A Bright Future Awaits You, Angel Number 824: You Are On The Right Path. The couple may be separated at key moments, and may not be able to truly rely on one another in the long-term. Sun trine Saturn natal makes you serious and reserved. When someone's Uranus is conjunct your Uranus, you are around the same age!Uranus takes 84 years to orbit the Sun, so you also share this aspect with people who are that much older . If the Sun opposite Saturn synastry relationship is to work, then both people must learn to like the qualities in their partner that may be different than they expected. This aspect indicates lively mental exchanges and interesting conversations. Beware of the danger of overspending with one another. This could spell big trouble for your relationship, and might even prevent a relationship from forming in the first place. This is a very negative aspect to share with someone in synastry, if the aspect is harsh (conjunction, square, opposition). Another example: my Saturn is in my 3rd house, which means I have self-conscious about communicating and I am insecure about sharing my ideas. It may be hard for others to understand the strong bond between these two and mistake it for a secret romance. The Sun person is likely to see the Neptune person as a soul mate, but this idea may not be based on reality. Both Saturn and Pluto are quite controlling in their own way: Saturn is practical and wants to maintain the status quo, while Pluto wants to have complete control and desires transformation. Saturn represents depression, restriction, fear of rejection, distancing, as well as commitment. Sun Square Saturn Synastry. The Venus finds the Sun person attractive, and the Sun person feels loved and adored around the Venus person. It doesnt speak about our desires and emotions. I didnt want them to grow, because I was too afraid they would grow apart from me. The Sun person will be a very nurturing and supportive influence on their Saturn partner. The nature of the planet is to bring limitations and restrictions to keep us on the right path. The Sun person might be the one that brings excitement in the bedroom and even new fantasies. In my case, I was of a different cultural background than my partner. This aspect indicates mutual fascination, and the desire to delve into the depths of each others minds. I definitely felt self-conscious when expressing my ideas to him; I was afraid he would think I was stupid.. 3 Mercury Aspects. You can play games, lay out a picnic blanket and enjoy nature with each others company for some relaxation time. Man's Sun Trine Woman's Sun Relationship. This star is the ruler of the fixed fire sign of Leo. Sun and Saturn conjunct in the synastry chart. Most karmic astrology synastry reports don't take Chiron into account nearly enough. This aspect indicates the couple shares a romantic, spiritual bond. This is a positive aspect that can help these two build a life together full of joy and happiness. This planet holds a lot of potential for growth and wisdom, and the Saturn person is always focused on achieving these deeper goals. It will bring people together and keep them together. It is important that Saturn is not an easy planet. A shitty Composite chart, does not mean the . They will be motivated to take on the responsibilities and challenges of this relationship through thick and thin. In astrology, this aspect usually represents a positive connection between the planet of discipline and structure (Saturn) and the planet of identity and personal power (the Sun). Image by on Freepik. When arguments do happen, they are both able to take a more rational approach and easily find a resolution that suits both of them. Lilith conjunct Venus tends to be sexual and intense almost all of the time. Try hosting tea parties, dinner parties, or movie nights at home together. Typically, the Sun trine Saturn synastry dynamics are overlap from a past life where the couple had some sort of karmic working relationship. Saturn may find the sex disappointed, and Mars may sense this, and lose their sexual confidence. The odds that a relationship with Saturn trine the Sun will withstand the test of time are very high. This aspect indicates a deep friendship based on mutual interests. However, you will stand out to your superiors and elders and gain their support . They find it hard to support one another, because there is a basic misunderstanding over what each person needs. Saturn is an outer planet from our sun and has a very slow orbit time of approximately 29 years. The bond the Sun person shares with their Saturn partner is one in a lifetime. In this Sun conjunct Saturn synastry relationship, Saturn tends to dampen the Suns enthusiasm and vibrancy. Jupiter-Uranus Aspects. With a little patience and understanding, you can learn a lot from one another. This star also brings us a sense of dignity, pride, and the determination to pursue our purpose in life and fulfill our mission. 5. This is a binding aspect to be found between lovers. In response, I criticized them and judged them harshly. These two planets rule pleasures and enjoying life. It represents our gifts and the domains where our strengths shine the most. This aspect can help one develop a sense of discipline and responsibility while allowing them to pursue their personal goals and desires easily and gracefully.
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